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Road to Monument Valley

  Approach to Coaching


There are many types of coaching approaches out there and all have their merits.  My approach to coaching is based around co-active approach.  This is based on 4 key corner stones, which are:
  • The client is naturally creative, resourceful and whole
  • The Agenda come from the Client
  • The coach dances in the moment
  • Co-active coaching addresses the Client’s whole life
These are described in detail below.
The Client is Naturally Creative, Resourceful and Whole
The approach to coaching practice comes from the belief that clients have the answers or they can find the answers if they are asked the right questions. From the co-active coach’s point of view nothing is wrong or broken and there is no need to “fix” the client. The Coach is simply discovering, uncovering or polishing the individual that people already are.
The Agenda Comes from the Client
The Client will define what the agenda is. This means that the coach / client relationship is focused on getting the results that the client wants, not what the coach or anyone else thinks is best for the client. It is the coach’s task to ensure that the clients are always steering towards fulfillment and balance, and are able to engage in the process of their lives.
The Coach Dances in the Moment
Quite often when Coaches and clients start working with one agenda, they will find that there is something else underneath or behind it that will arise.  Dancing in the moment means that they will deal with, or just be with, whatever comes up in each moment and know that what ever arises and wherever individuals are in this moment is the perfect place for them right now. Everything that is happening is an opportunity for learning and movement.
Co-Active Coaching Addresses the Client’s Whole Life
Because we are human being and not programmed to perform a specific function and no other, we often cannot separate or compartmentalize the different aspects of our lives into neat little boxes. Everything is connected in some way and so co-active coaching relationships must be able to work with aspects of every area of a person’s life: work, home, family, relationship, money etc.
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